Memory, oh memory. It’s a funny thing, isn’t it? Sometimes we can remember the most trivial things, like the lyrics to “Baby Shark” or the name of that one actor from that one movie we watched ten years ago. Other times, we forget the most important things, like our anniversary or where we left our car keys.
But hey, who needs a good memory when you can just sing along to “Memory” by Barbra Streisand, are we right? Such a classic. If you haven’t heard it, do yourself a favor and listen to it right now. Go ahead, we’ll wait.
Welcome back. Wasn’t that great? We don’t know about you, but that song definitely has a special place in our hearts. It’s like our brains are trying to tell us something, but instead of giving us a useful piece of information, it’s just singing show tunes.
Speaking of useless information, did you know that elephants have great memories? It’s true. They can remember the location of water sources and the scent of other elephants from years ago. Meanwhile, we can barely remember our own phone numbers half the time. Maybe we should start eating more peanuts.
But it’s not just elephants who have impressive memories. Dolphins, too, are known for their ability to remember complex sounds and even individual voices. In fact, scientists have found that dolphins can recognize the whistle of a dolphin they haven’t seen in over 20 years. Meanwhile, we can barely recognize our own family members if they change their hairstyle.

It’s like our brains are trying to tell us something, but instead of giving us a useful piece of information, it’s just singing show tunes.
Of course, it’s not all fun and games when it comes to memory. As we age, our memory tends to decline. It’s a natural part of getting older, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating. Suddenly, we find ourselves forgetting the names of people we’ve known for years or struggling to remember where we parked our car. It’s enough to make you want to pull your hair out.
But fear not, forgetful friends. There are ways to improve your memory, such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and challenging your brain with puzzles and games. Or, you can just embrace your forgetfulness and make a joke out of it. Like, “I don’t have a bad memory, I just have selective remembering. I choose to remember the important stuff, like the lyrics to ‘Ice Ice Baby’.”
In conclusion, memory is a fickle thing. It can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on the situation. But whether you have a great memory or a not-so-great one, we can all agree on one thing: “Memory” by Barbra Streisand is a timeless classic that will never be forgotten. Now if only we could remember where we put our headphones so we can listen to it again.